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€1194 for 6 months
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€1794 for 6 months
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Key information with cover image, university logo & contact details on the individual university profile Key information
Comparison of the universities selected by the user based on various parameters University comparison tool
Individual search function for study programs on the university profile Search function
Option for publication of all study programs with short description Study programs
Gallery with the option to publish images, depending on the university plan Gallery
Option for publication articles on the university profile through the university, depending on the plan News Blog
Option to download the Certificate of Excellence as well as mark the university profile with the excellence badge if there are at least 50 ratings ranging between 4.0 and 5.0 at the end of the calendar year Certificate of Excellence & Badge
Publication of up to 10 PDF information documents on the university profile as download option for students and interested parties Information tool
University in the spotlight on the main page University in the spotlight
Localization of university's location on the university profile using Google Maps integration Google Maps
Integration and linking of the university's essential social media channels on the university profile Social media feed and linking
Integration and linking of the university's YouTube channels on the university profile YouTube integration
Response option for received user reviews on the university profile Review responses
Mediation between reviewers and university to settle a dispute Review mediation services
Option to publish curricula for each university study program displayed on universitaet.com Student journey
Presentation of university lecturers for the corresponding study program (image, name, brief description of professional career) University lecturers
Option to describe the career opportunities of the corresponding degree program for students Career opportunities
Contact form for direct contact to university Direct contact to university

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